You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.5. File - Product Category > File - Product Category - Markups

File - Product Category - Markups

Product markups (where Micronet calculates the selling price from a markup off cost price or buy price 1-8) can be setup within Micronet to be applied:



The option to set the way buy product category markups are applied is setup on the Markups Configuration screen (refer to "Edit - Program - Markups").

To create product category markups:

  1. Add a new product category or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Product Category" or "Updating a Product Category".

  1. Select the Markups tab.

This option may be disabled due to current configuration.

Micronet displays the Category File Update screen - Markups tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Price Group 2 Markup

Enter the retail markups you want to apply to cost/buy price (1-8) to calculate the retail selling prices.


Price Group 1 Markup

Enter the wholesale markups you want to apply to cost/buy price (1-8) to calculate the wholesale selling prices.


Enter GP Where Ontime Discounts do not apply

Enter the minimum GP% where settlement discounts should not apply.


Can Markups override Prices

Select Yes to enable these markups and have them applied during order entry/invoicing to override the normal selling list prices.


Zero Discounts when using Markups

Select Yes if you want Micronet to ignore any customer discounts (from a discount matrix) when markups are being applied.


Zero Discounts on Nett Prices

Select Yes to force Micronet to ignore any customer discounts (from a discount matrix) if a net selling price is selected at order/invoice time.


Mixed Category Break

Select Yes if you want Micronet to apply mixed quantity price breaks.

Where category price breaks are being used, mixed category breaks can be applied where a number of similar items are to be involved in the quantity break calculation.

An example is where Category 10 = PENS and the category sales breaks are set as:

Price 6

= $1.30


Price 7

= $1.40

20 +

Price 8

= $1.50

1 +

If mixed category breaks are set for Category 10 and the sales quantity consists of 10 Green Pens, 10 Red Pens, 50 Blue Pens and 40 Black Pens then, when the invoice is totalled, Micronet adds the mixed quantity of PENS together for a total quantity of 110 pens and then selects Price 6 or $1.30 per pen.

For more information on using mixed quantity breaks, refer to the Use Mixed Category Breaks field on the Invoicing Configuration screen (see "Edit - Program - Invoicing").


Calculate Levy On This Category

This is reserved for companies (generally cooperatives) using this option to levy buying group members when they make purchases.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.